Sunday, July 31, 2005


I found a marble on my walk with Laurey today. Kind of strange thing to find I think. Usually just see broken glass and dead birds and trash, sometimes change (which I always pick up because it makes me just that much richer) but never a marble. Not that its a high class marble or anything like that...just a little inexpensive one with green, orange and blue in it. Its pretty even if it is chipped and probably as run over by more then a few cars. Maybe it is lucky!

So this is day 3 and I haven't told anyone yet. Maybe I should.... Haven't decided yet. I was given 'homework' today. I was asked what my favorite number is and I didn't have an answer so I have to figure it out. Have been thinking and while I have NO idea how to figure out what my favorite number is...I have just been running numbers through my head and seeing if one sticks and I think I might have decided but I'm not 100% yet so I'm not going to tell...keep it a secret...;)

Went and saw "Wedding Crashers" funny!! At least the funny parts were funny..the kind of serious parts were kind of lame. But over all...very funny...I highly recommend it! Althought I never knew Vince Vaughn's ass was so big.

L, E

I am for sure going to see that movie since you said it was great. Can't wait to read more!!
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