Friday, September 23, 2005

Friday night

I have a stummy ache. I was planning to go out shopping tonight but I really didn't need to buy anything and since it cost $55 to fill the gas tank in my jeep, I just didn't think I should be doing frivilous shopping tonight. Oh well.

Going to G'ma's tomorrow, have to drop Laurey off at the kennel and be to mom & dad's by 9 and then I'll be sleeping the whole way there. Dad will be driving, I think we're taking his Toyota Tacoma truck...such fun. Doing laundry right now so I have some clothes to wear to church on Sunday morning.

So cold, wish I had hugs and kisses. No one is online to IM with me so I guess I'll go back to the sofa and heating pad and then to bed soon. How does that song go? "Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess I'll eat some worms...." L, E

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