Tuesday, September 13, 2005

frustration mounts

Ok...so i'm not such a happy camper today. Just crazy frustrated with my job, workplace, boss and coworkers. I guess just more of the usual 'pass all down to Erin since she's the department bitch'. And I'm really sick of being the department bitch. But I guess its my own fault...I'm still working there. Anyway....

This week hasn't been my greatest other then work. Yesterday my favorite sandel broke and today the ink ran out of my New York Yankees pen. Both are replaceable...I'll be returning my broken sandels, hopefully I can get new ones of the same, and I can buy a new ink thing for my pen. Just sucks when it happens, you know.

I so need a vacation....anyone have someplace nice I can come and visit? I have 9 vacation days left for this year. I want to roll over 5 for next year so I have 4 days, 32 hours, to use before 12/31/05.

I'm at my parents house right now since its Tuesday and I come here for dinner most Tuesdays. I guess we are all meeting at soime Mexican place downtown at 7, thats what my brother told me. My mom just called from the airport and he went to pick her up, she must have gotten on an earlier flight back from Munich Germany. I'll be sure to let you know if she brought me back a present.

Have been having strange dreams lately...I don't remember them all so that might be why they are so strange...oh well. Any insights? L, E

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