Sunday, September 25, 2005
wkend in No NY
Spent the weekend in Northern New York with my dad visiting my Grandma and Great Aunt in Canton. Also saw my Uncle Dave & Aunt Ann and Uncle Paul and Aunt Kim. All those people in 28 hours...should be a record. Within 2 minutes of being in the car with my dad I remembered exactly why I should never travel with him...he's all nervous and anxious about seeing his family and he becomes a complete prick. I'm useto his critical-ness of me but when he's so hyper critical, its hard to hear. And he has the really annoying this he does with the car radio. Every song that comes on, he turns the music up another notch or two, within an hour the music is so loud that I couldn't even hear myself think at all. On the way back, I was seriously thinking about jumping out the car door on the highway at 65mph.
Spending time with Grandma and Aunt Mil was nice. They are both doing well for being 88 and 95. I wonder if I will ever be that old.
Laurey survived the kennel once again. Her bark was a high squeek, so cute. Poor baby. She is always happy to go there and happy to be picked up. I don't blame here, its always nice to come home and get to sleep in my own bed. L, E
Spending time with Grandma and Aunt Mil was nice. They are both doing well for being 88 and 95. I wonder if I will ever be that old.
Laurey survived the kennel once again. Her bark was a high squeek, so cute. Poor baby. She is always happy to go there and happy to be picked up. I don't blame here, its always nice to come home and get to sleep in my own bed. L, E