Saturday, November 05, 2005

Friday night going out

Erin was drunk Friday night/Saturday morning!

Friday started out like any other day. We can wear jeans to work on Fridays so I put on my newest pair that make my ass look extra nice and my pink cute. My new friend at work, Sarah, asked me what I was doing tonight and asked if I'd like to go out with her and her friends. I left work at 1 to go to the doctor (I'm in perfect health thank you very much!) and then hit Old Navy and spent too much money but they had so many cute things. I even bought this extra cute little girl purse. Came home and went to sleep on my sofa. Sarah called around 6 and invited me over for dinner and some pre-going out drinks. So I slipped on my pink clogs and went over to her house.

After walking around Sarah's parking lot for a little while I found her place, very cute! Her friend Kristi came over too and Sarah made us all salad, chicken, potatos, green beans and raspberry vodka in Sunkist soda. All yummy! We hung out there and listened to music and had our Sunkist vodka drinks and Sarah called some friends to get some others to go out with us. We left her house at 8:30ish, stopping by my house so I could change into better shoes (no clogs for going out) and then went to Sarah's friend Caitlin's house. Then we all headed downtown (Kristi went home, didn't come out with us) and parked and then hit the bars!

First up was Akes Place, had a Miller lite beer there and watched some hockey on the TV (Habs won over the Sabres) and the darts. Then we went to What Ale's You and I had a Sam Adams lite there, not too bad. Sarah didn't bring her glasses and wanted to check out a guy and see if she knew him so she wore mine, it wasn't who she thought it was. Then we went to Ri Ra's, the Irish Pub) and it was killer warm in there and I had a Black and Tan which was yummy, first time I had had one before I think. We were going to go into Red Square but it had a $3 cover so we went down to Rasputins and paid $3 there and went inside, had another beer, can't remember what kind, some lite probably. It was killer hot in there and crowded and since I was drunk I was dancing.

[At this point I should say that I am not a good dancer, I am quite white when it comes to dancing. But when I've been drinking and hear a good song, or even when I'm sober and hear a good song, sometimes I just have to wiggle to the music....]

It was 1:30ish by this time and with the heat and drunkness and noise I was starting to not feel as good as I could, and I was sleepy tired too. So we left and Sarah drove my jeep to my house and her friend Steph followed us and then took Sarah home. So what did I do when I got inside? Did I fall asleep/pass out? Nope...I made a nice little long distance phone call to Korea....

And what happen on the phone is just not going to be talked on on here...but I DO remember all I said and all I hear and it was wonderful, happy, amazing, magnificant.

Fell asleep around 4. Wow...go me!

**OH** My baby just had her first drunk-dial! LOL, I'm so proud :) Glad you had a good time, it sounded really fun!
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