Monday, March 13, 2006


Yucky rainy day today. Rain and damp and cold and fog. Not fun. And since mom gave me a check for the bamboo curtains I had to brave getting to my car and driving to the bank during my lunchtime to deposit the check. I asked her again if she liked the curtains as she was paying me for them and she said "they are okay, I don't know what I'll do with them yet" so whatever that means...I have my $32. I was asleep by 10:15ish last night but I still woke up exhausted. I'm thinking that I am getting enough it might be the 9 hour work days or the weather but I don't know. *sigh* I'm going to dinner with my friend JM tonight at Olive Garden so that should be nice. Just hope he's not expecting more then getting to pay for my dinner because no naked or touching other then a nice _friendly_ hug will be happening. I brought mac & cheese left-over for lunch today but ate them around 10:30...I was hungry...and its usually what happens when I bring in lunch from home...I eat it early. Laurey was all sleeping and lounging on my bed all morning...lazy critter, she has such a hard life! So please email to me...I need some cheering up and emails always make me smile! L, E

Wow, dinner out! So, wait, he's paying for dinner? Thats a good friend. You should offer to let him borrow a movie ;)
I'm envious. I have not eaten at the Olive Garden since May. Hope your dinner was deliciously super!
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