Saturday, April 29, 2006

Only $5 to make your car and house smell like wet dog

Checking my 1 lonely email this morning it was from my dad letting me know there was a dog wash at the Homane Soceity this morning so Laurey and I headed over there just after 11 to meet Alison and Evan and 2 of their dogs. Laurey, Duke and Azul had baths and sniffed a lot of dog butts. It was a nice morning, sun was shining and not too chilly. We were there about an hour and then I went to the grocery on the way home, picking up food and some pretty yellow flowers. I don't have my dried roses on my table anymore, it was time for them to go so they did and I needed some pretty color in my house. And they smell really yummy too. Came home and made some cheese and tomato thing that didn't turn out quite right but I ate most of it anyway.

Laurey and I curled up and took naps, I don't know who was snoring louder. Woke up and just relaxed, watching a movie...Serenity, it was alright.... There has been some kind of beaver or woodchuck waddling around the backyard for the past few days and Laurey has been in full hunter dog mode, barking at it and wanting to 'get it'. Poor Baby is so frustrated with her wild dog instincts boiling but she's confined to my house or her cage when the barking gets to me. She's snoring beside the open sliding door right now, so cute. Its just after 10:30 and I've been watching 'Pearl Harbor' on the tv. The movie overall is okay but that Josh Hartnet is quite the yummy one.

Oh, and I'm doing my laundry. Such a wild Saturday night I know. Tomorrow is to be warm, even nicer then today. I guess summer is on its way to VT. I've been having trouble keeping a signal sometimes for the internet so I ordered DSL with Verizon yesterday and I should be all hooked up in a couple of weeks. So the 'Pearl Harbor' movie is almost over. I wonder who will win the war. L, E

Your day sounds kinda familiar - except I didn't get a nap,loaded the dishwasher, and watched the TiVO instead. It finds such good shows for me - I would never have known about some of these things without it! Miss you and glad things are going alright - we're gonna fix (tar up, temporary fix, I guess) the roof today. Wish me luck, and hope I don't fall off!
There's nothing like the smell of wet dog in the morning. Especially a wet do that is 'gassy'. MMMM
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