Friday, June 16, 2006

conclusion my story isn't over for today:

I took Laurey out on her leash so we wouldn't have to deal with the snakes and she just loves her leash. So we walked around the front yard and behind the other building in my condo development and down the hill to the trash bin since Laurey had made a 'deposit' on the lawn and I picked it up. And yup...I fell down the hill. Not too far. Kind of caught myself on my knee and ass. And dug in my left big toe. Ouch. OUCH! Laurey was sweet to me though...she came over, wagging her tail. So we went inside and I decided to take a bath.... I have never been a bath person, something about lying in water filled with my own filth but I decided to give it a chance. I could use with the relaxation you hear comes from a bath. Well, my bathtub looks big enough but the water didn't even cover all of me and I felt stupid sitting there so I just washed my knee that was all dirty from the hill and hung out there for a few minutes then showered off since I had added some bubbles.

Now I'm in my pj's, with my face covered with the dermatoligist creams and I guess I'm ready for bed...just wish I was sleepy. L, E

Laying in your own filth. I never thought about it that way. THANK YOU.

Then again I'm more the "Rinse Youself Off" shower person anyway.
Bubbles are for when you're clean already. I know you're not a filthy person, so even if you don't shower before the bubble bath, its more like just a little dry skin, and that sinks to the bottom. Plus, you do rinse off afterwards anyway.
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