Monday, July 31, 2006

Ooops, another week gone by

So I keep thinking I want to blog and I know what I want to say but I just don't type it out. Lazy? I guess so. My week was okay, kinda hard but really just the usual.

Monday...didn't do much all day until class. Got my essay back in class and was happy with my 82. After class Swichi and I were suppose to go to the movies but instead we had a fight and I cried. I don't even really know what happened except I am sick of sitting on his bed watching him look around at Ebay and ignore me. It wasn't a nice fight, not that many are. I cried and he yelled. Then I left. Went home and cried more. Called ZamMan back (he had called me before I was home from class) and he was actually fairly comforting even if he wouldn't let me come over. But I did cry myself to sleep that night.

Tuesday...Swichi called me early, around 9:30 and was like "are you okay?" We spent the whole day together, shopping and going around for air brushing stuff since he has some idea that he's going to get paid to air brush tattoos on people. We'll see. I was feeling a lot better about him until at one point when he said that last night he had been worried that since I was "mad" at home that I would kill his snakes (cut off their heads) or let them outside to "go free". I really was hurt and offended that he would think I'd kill innocent animals just because he's an asshole.

Wed...I soent the day relaxing at home and working on my essay for class that night. Powered through my schoolwork and had a nap before class. Swichi called me about an hour before class and said he was going to skip since he hadn't done his essay. Oh well. After class I went to his dormroom and then we went to Friendly's for dinner.

Thursday...LONG day for me! I had been called by the temp agency I'm signed up with and they asked me if I'd do a mailing job and I said yes since it was easy and quick. Stuck the labels on a whole bunch of flyers for some union nonprofit and then went to Old Navy before going home for a quick nap and then to Xmas Trees from 5:30-9:30.

Friday...Dad and Mom came home from Europe. I went to Costco and bought a big pretty bunch of flowers for them and then went to their house and they bitched at me for about 20 minutes about my grades....not so nice but what I expected from them. Then I went to work at Xmas Trees again 5:30-9:30, busy night!

Saturday...I finally met SJ. We'd been talking on IM for probably 4 months and I had been pushing to meet for awile but he was busy and not ready I guess. So Laurey and I met him in the parking lot of his place of work in Williston and we sat on the grass and talked for almost 4 hours. It was nice I guess...except when it was raining! I was soaked but its all part of the experience, right? Then Lau and I went home and relaxed.

Sunday...Worked 9-5:30 and was exhausted! Beautiful day finally, in the 70's with wind and sunshine. Wish I could have been outside all day but Laurey and I did take a walk when I got home, even though I was hurting. Then I crashed on the sofa for an hour, had a very nice phone coversation with My Favorite Canadian and then tried to sleep but the insomnia kicked in. Talked on IM with SJ for awile...he 'loved' the housewarming presents I had given him so that was nice...said he wanted to take me to dinner so we'll see if that happens. Finally fell asleep....

Today, Monday...Spent the day with Swichi again. We bought a new, bigger cage for his snakes and he feed them and I changed the bedding in Lola's cage. Then we played with Laurey and watched his Bojangles the snake discover every corner of his cage over and over. Bojie and Eileen are getting really big, fast! Then Swichi worked on his essay for class and I played with Laurey and took a nap. Now I'm sitting on Swichi's bed waiting for classtime to come and typing here.

I'm going to start blogging more, I know I should and I want to, just a combination of lazy, not home as much and unhappy. I need to get my school classes and stuff for fall figuered out, will work on that tomorrow and let you know...:) L, E

So did Swichi ever apologize? Cause I think an apology to you is definately warranted.
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