Sunday, July 09, 2006

wkend and a new topic

So I've been working bitch hours at work...5:30-9:30 and even stayed until 10 on Saturday. Doesn't really matter so much when I work, just I don't do much all day when I have to leave for work at 5. Mostly sleep. Slept most of today too, didn't get much sleep last night. Laurey and I spent a little over an hour at the dogpark this morning. She had fun and I got a little too much sun so thats probably why I slept so much today too. Usually sleep extra when I have too much sun. Laurey has been sleeping too...very cute.

I had an idea/thought I wanted type about today but can't remember. Oh well. Not even hungry. *sigh* L, E

PS- And I'm considering canceling my phone since I only seem to get maybe 3 phone calls a week and 2 of them are wrong numbers or telemarketers. Other then my favorite Canadian calling me, no one else does.

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