Monday, November 20, 2006


Laurey is fine!! I called the vet just before 2 and they said she is doing very well, already waking up and sweet as pie - her words, not mine. I am so happy....I can pick my baby up at 4 and bring her home!! I dropped her off at 8:30 and had a hard time walking out of the office but I did it. I came hom and talked on IM for a few minutes, then went to sleep until noonish. Then I sat and watched the clock more then the tv. The vet office said I could call at 2 if they hadn't called me and at 2 minutes of 2 I called them. - Not impressed they didn't call me, especially since they didn't call to remind me of her appoitment on Saturday, oh well. - But she's just fine. The "thing" they removed will be sent for testing and I should be called in a week. They said it wasn't definately a tumor, could be a cyst or fatty deposit, and that is good news too. We thought it was defiantely a cancer tumor. But all that matters is my baby is alright and will be home and with me very soon. L, E

YAY! Told you she'd be fine. Honestly, you get that dog better medical care than I do! (You're such a good momma!) :o)
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