Monday, April 23, 2007

Condo stress and unhappiness

The weekend of Friday the 13th was horrible.... It rained the whole time and the rain was too ironic and made things so much worse. On Friday, 4/13/07 I found out that our property manager hasn't been paying the water bills for the condo association. Over $3000.00 is owed and liens have been placed on each unit by the city. So all weekend I am just waiting until Monday morning at 7am when the water department opens and I can go there myself and find out exactly what is going on.....

7:05am Monday 4/16. I find out that the water bills haven't been paid since October 2006 and while checks have been written for the bills in between then and now, they bounced. Also, there are late fees from as far back at 2005 since the payments are always late. 8:35am I'm at the bank that the condo association accounts are at. There is only $660.00 in the checking account...not good! The savings account was closed at the end of 2005! WHAT!?!!?!!! There should have been $8000.00+ in there!!! The wonderful ladies at the bank print meout all the statements for both accounts since they were opened in 2004 and I see that starting around July 2006 there have been NSF fees, bounced checks fees and many bounced checks, all kinds of extra charges and many times when the balance was below zero. OMG! I wanted to cry and throw up and scream all at once.

So basicily I have found out that our property manager has been completely fucking up. She hasn't been paying bills on time, she spent all the savings and never let the board of directors (I'm the current President but have only been for a few months) know and she's been wasting money in NSF fees and other charges. All I want to scream is 'how can she think that is okay?!!?!!!???!!'.

I still don't know exactly what will be happening to get this HUGE mess under control. It looks that I am the one who is going to be picking up all the slack since I have been to the bank 4 times already and will be back there later today and I bought a PO box at the local post office so we can start to seperate our condo association from this property manager. Also, its up to me to get more bids for landscaping, cleaning, an accounting company and a new property management company. I find it VERY frustrating that its all being dumped on me but there isn't anyone else on the board who can or will do i t and it has to be done...and I had the presidency dumped on me too but I did accept I guess it up to me. *sigh*

Oh, and work sucks too. The cut my hours for this week from around 30 like I have been working for months to not even 20. I stayed until 7 yesterday, Sunday, when I was to have left at 5:30 so that helps a little but if they keep me at 20 hours or less a week I won't be making enough so I don't know what I'll do. I guess that along with working on all the things for my condo association I'll be looking for a job for me too.

There has been some good. We've had 5 days in a row of beautiful sunshine and warm! Both Laurey and I have been loving it! Hope you are good!! L, E


Oh man, that's really pathetic.Are you in a pisition to get ride of the manager?
Sounds to me like a little misappropriation of funds. I think you need to file a police report and have a little talk with your county attorney.
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